
Kyoto Butoh Experience 



Kyoto Butoh Experienceは、日本を訪れる外国人旅行者に、日本発祥の舞踏「舞踏」の思想や振付法を紹介し、体験してもらうことを目的に、日本で唯一、外国人旅行者向けに毎週舞踏ワークショップを開催している団体です。講師の目黒大路氏は、舞踏の創始者・土方巽の直系の弟子。講師による舞踏デモンストレーションの後、参加者は舞踏の基礎や振付法を体験します。ワークショップは、初心者からプロのダンサーまで、年齢や性別を問わず、幅広い参加者が対象です。定員は5名程度で、じっくりと体験できます。

Kyoto Butoh Experience aims to introduce and experience the philosophy and choreography method of "Butoh," a dance form originating in Japan, to international travelers visiting the country. It is the only organization in Japan that offers weekly Butoh workshops specifically designed for overseas visitors. The instructor, Daiji Meguro, is a disciple in the direct lineage of Tatsumi Hijikata, the founder of Butoh. After a Butoh demonstration by the instructor, participants will experience the fundamentals and choreography method of Butoh. The workshops are open to a broad audience, from complete beginners to professional dancers, regardless of age or gender. The workshop is for around 5 people, allowing time for focused experience.